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Dream Unshared

A Lonely Dreamologist (고독한 꿈 전문의사)

An event occurs stealthily in a small clinic on the Hilltop Street in Global Island City, an artificial island, 27 kilometers from the mainland. No one knew it, but it happened unwittingly. It was definitely an announcement of the cruel beginning. Calvin, a young doctor treats visitors of mental illness through the Dream Capsule or through various methods of following in dreams. At one time a..
An event occurs stealthily in a small clinic on the Hilltop Street in Global Island City, an artificial island, 27 kilometers from the mainland. No one knew it, but it happened unwittingly. It was definitely an announcement of the cruel beginning.

Calvin, a young doctor treats visitors of mental illness through the Dream Capsule or through various methods of following in dreams. At one time a doctor visited a patient at home with a bag on his side, but now Calvin visits through a dream. Calvin, who helps any patient escape from the internal injuries, heartbreak, depression, or loss that he or she has suffered. And evil shadows have secretly watched him, and his woman, Linda.

Calvin is constantly subjected to cynicism and criticism from the press, the broadcasting and the psychiatry circles, but his pure belief does not change at all. What is he trying to protect? Can Calvin preserve the values of dreams and the secrets of dreams?

What is he trying to protect, despite the constant conflict between old love and jealousy, partings and hope, military purposes and daily peace? His belief is to provide the ordinary citizens with a comfortable basis to enjoy everyday happiness. How valuable is Calvin's struggle to live, as a doctor, having experienced the realities of the spiritual world, helping those who have been firmly wounded! How will the secular doctors and the shadows, driven by greed, react to Calvin's creative medical practices, while they drool at the dinner table of power, seeking to gain fame and benefits through destructive conflicts rather than peace?

I hope DREAM UNSHARED would give you emotional stirring to enjoy a variety of your life, healing and happiness through dreams. And also ask you to seek to find answers to the problems of human greed and hegemony, confrontation and desolation, as well as your daily life.

Dreams are not just a scattering of memories or a phenomenon during sleep to relieve a day's fatigue! Then, can dreams become a medium between heaven and earth? Is it a sign of human life? Or is it an absolute gift? This novel, DREAM UNSHARED, as one way for realistic meaning and hope, preaches this world, that some day, the hope would be bloomed, realized in real life. It is very clear that a person who has lost a progressive mind, even in a dream becomes discouraged and falls into an instinctive being......


잠자는 숲속의 미녀라고 불리는 드림캡슐 장비로 또는 다양한 팔로우잉의 방법을 통한 왕진으로 환자들을 정신적 고통으로부터 치료하는 젊은 닥터 캘빈 정. 그는 정신분석협회의 권위주의적이고 고리타분한 진료 행위에 대해 날선 칼처럼 비난하고, 개혁을 주장한다.

캘빈은 언론계, 방송계 그리고 정신과 의료계로부터 끊임없는 냉소와 비난을 당하지만, 그의 순수한 소신은 흐르는 강물처럼 변함이 없다. 그는 더 나아가 군부의 감시와 청부살인자의 위협이 은밀하게 그를 죄어오지만 꿈의 진료를 통해 인간 행복과 사랑을 실현시켜 나가려고 몸부림친다. 과연 그가 지키려고 하는 것은 무엇인가. 자신을 둘러싼 여러 여성들의 접근과 유혹까지 이겨내야 하는 캘빈은 과연 꿈의 가치와 꿈의 비밀을 지켜낼 수 있을까.
오래된 사랑과 배신, 이별과 희망, 군사적 목적과 일상적 평안 사이에서 끊임없이 갈등하면서도 그가 지키려는 것은 무엇인가. 그의 소신은 평범한 시민들에게는 일상의 행복을 누리는 편안한 근거가 된다. 두 발을 땅에 디딘 채 살아가면서, 영적 세계의 실재를 경험하면서도 꿋꿋이 상처입은 자들을 돕는 캘빈의 사투는 얼마나 값진 것일까! 평화보다 갈등과 파괴를 통해 실리를 챙기려는 세력, 물욕에 물든 의사들은 그의 창조적 의료 행위에 대해 어떤 반응을 보일까.
DREAM UNSHARED는 꿈을 통해 실현되는 다양한 삶, 회복과 행복을 누릴 수 있다. 또한 이러한 삶 보다는 대결과 탈취를 통해 힘과 헤게모니를 차지하려는 인간 탐욕과 실존의 문제의 답을 찾고자 한다.

꿈은 하루의 피로를 풀기 위한 수면 동안의 기억의 산란이나 하나의 현상에 불과한 것이 아니다! 그렇다면 꿈은 하늘과 땅을 잇는 매개체가 될 수 있을까. 인간이 지닌 삶의 흔적일까. 아니면 절대자의 선물일까. 장편소설 DREAM UNSHARED는 현실적인 의미와 희망을 담은 책이다. 21세기 초반 이후 한국이 세계를 향해 도약을 하고 있는 시기에, 현실 속에서 또다른 세계가 병립할 수 있는, 실현가능한 세상을 펼치고 있다. 진보적 꿈을 잃어버린 인간은 낙담에 젖게 되고 본능적인 존재로 추락하고 만다는 이치를 아주 명확하게 그려낸다.
Y.S.JEON had a father who ran a small doctor's surgery, when he was a kid. He grew up, considering his father's medical treatment not only for the trauma of the patient, but also for the pain of the heart through counseling.
Calvin, hero of this novel, who opened the door at Hilltop, may have started in this familiar environment. The author is not a person to be familiar with in the daily newspaper culture or social aspects. However, he has contributed to cultural events in the region and has been expanding his creative scope by winning awards and writings books.

Through the characters in DREAM UNSHARED, through Dr. Calvin, he clearly describes the situation in which the stubbornness of medical conscience is not only directly linked to the well-being of the nation, but also affects the security of the nation. The author tells you one way of reaching the value of life.
The reader who met this book is like a man who accidentally found a pearl while walking on the placid beach. It is because, like the read reviews from some readers, you will enjoy the pleasure of reading down in one night.

Y.S.JEON is the author of, LOOK AGAIN AT MARY and PAINTINGS AND LONGINGS and several books. His other book, BUSAN BEOMNAEGOL 1972 is about the author's bouncing and dream-pursuing childhood. And several books, will be published soon. He majored in English literature at the university. He currently lives in Busan.

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.kr 개인정보책임 : 이선희